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February - Principal's Message

February 2025: Principal’s Message


I am incredibly excited to begin my work serving the students, parents, and guardians of Gloucester.  It is a privilege and an honour to return to Gloucester High School as Principal, and I am deeply grateful for this opportunity.  Having previously worked at GHS as a teacher, and as a parent of children who attended the school, I know firsthand how wonderful our students and educators are. I am truly looking forward to supporting each student in excelling socially, emotionally, and academically.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you may have by sending an email to

February is Black History Month, and while the educators at Gloucester High School recognize the importance of celebrating Black history year-round, this dedicated month provides an invaluable opportunity for focused reflection and learning.  It is a time to celebrate the beauty, brilliance, and countless contributions of people of African descent, both past and present.  Black History Month also serves as a crucial time for educators to critically examine existing barriers to learning and to actively seek ways to improve equitable access and outcomes for Black students.  Our commitment is to create a safe and caring learning environment that respects and protects the rights of all students, including and especially Black students.

Upcoming School Events

Thursday, February 6 - Cultural Cook-Off presented by the Black Youth Diversity Group - Lunch

Wednesday, February 12 - Electronic Report Card Distribution

Thursday, February 13 - Cultural Day Dance presented by the Black Youth Diversity Group - 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM

Thursday, February 13 - Indigenous Student Trustee Information Session - 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM in Lodge 

Friday, February 14 - PD Day (No School)

Friday, February 28 - Black History Month Assembly - Times To be Determined


Yours in Gratitude,

Joe Ross


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