About Us

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General Information

Gloucester High School takes pride in the diversity of our school community and the dedication of our staff. Our motto “hard work overcomes challenges” is exemplified by the many accomplishments of our students both in academics and in extra-curricular activities. We provide opportunities to explore a range of post-secondary pathways including college, apprenticeships, university, and the world of work.  We are fortunate to have had the opportunity to welcome students and staff from Rideau High School and are now able to offer even more programs and opportunities for our combined students.  Gloucester now has a vibrant population of over 1000 students in a rich learning environment.

Goals and our School Learning Plan

We are committed to the success of all our students. We strive to create a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment that fosters the development of character and inspires our students to reach their full potential. Our staff is committed to working on their own professional development to enhance the learning environment for all students, improve academic achievement, student success and student voice. We have many professional learning teams that are working on evidence-based instructional strategies to improve deep learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Much of our work is based on the research of John Hattie and evidence-based instructional strategies.

We are honored to work with such wonderful, welcoming students, parents, staff and community members. Our School Learning Plan is focused on critical thinking, inquiry, and numeracy – we are very proud of the work that our students do as they demonstrate their thinking and learning every day – both in the classroom and in extra-curricular activities.

Special Programs

Academic programming at Gloucester High School is designed to meet the varied interests and learning needs of our 1045 students. For example, our language study programs include French Immersion, Spanish, Arabic, and Japanese. Approximately 300 students and 25 staff members have participated in trips to Japan over the past 15 years. Many of our graduates are D.E.L.F certified. We also offer Advanced Placement for those students wishing to pursue AP exams. Our Athletic Program, Outdoor Education, and Dance, Recreation and Fitness Leadership. We have a large dance studio which is used for yoga, dance, and physical conditioning. Our Technology Department offers Design, Computers, Media, Integrated Technology, Auto, and Woodshop. We also offer a Specialist High Skills Transportation Program which has produced award-winning students in the CAA North and East Ontario Student Auto Skills competition. Additionally, we have an SHSM in Health, Wellness and Sport, Cultural and Indigenous Arts, and one in Construction: Electrical and Plumbing.

Students in our Cooperative Education Program benefit from the many partnerships we have established in the broader community. Our Science program has many community partnerships which include ties with both the University of Ottawa and Carleton University, including STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) and InSTEM programs (Indigenous Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). We are fortunate to have large science labs which hold a mini-greenhouse and extensive science equipment. Our Canadian and World Studies and Business Department offer International Business, Economics and Canadian and International Law, Philosophy, Works Issues and World History to support our students who pursue work or studies in those areas. Our Music department instrumental classes. The Fine Arts Departments at Gloucester collaborate on semester Musical and Dramatic showcases.


  • LINK Crew leadership courses allow senior students to earn credits while supporting the transition of new grade 9 students to high school
  • Students in our International Certificate Program have had the opportunity to receive bursaries and participate in exchanges around the world
  • We host over 100 international students from around the world and our International Program Coordinator provides coaching for the IELTs
  • We offer unique music and Arts courses such as Percussion, Guitar, Ceramics, and Photography (darkroom and digital) where we have had many award winners in annual Painting and Drawing contests (students were selected four times as the winners of the CHEO Telethon Logo Competition).
  • Every year we celebrate the accomplishments of student athletes at our Annual Athletic Banquet.
  • Every year we celebrate the academic achievements of our students at Awards Celebrations.
  • We have over 70 sports teams and clubs within the school and one of our former Reach for the Top Teams won the Ontario Provincial Championship.
  • Our Sources of Strength Team provides leadership opportunities for 60 students - providing support and opportunities for all students
  • Our location provides many opportunities for our students - we are located beside the Trillium Recreation Complex which includes the Wave Pool, the Earl Armstrong Arena, and the Gloucester Library. Our swim team and hockey team use these facilities regularly. We are also a short walk from Blair station for students who choose to ride Ottawa's new light rail or buses.
  • On campus, we have two gyms, a dance studio, weight room, spinning room. Our outdoor tennis and basketball courts have been recently renovated.  Our science labs are being renovated to state of the art labs.  Additionally, we have a new weight room, second auto shop, digital photography lab and a beautiful Indigenous Lodge.
  • Many of our alumni are well known Rhodes Scholars, Olympians, Journalists, Television Broadcasters, and Professional Athletes

Our School

Gloucester High School, home of the Gators, is a secondary school in the east end of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board. It operates on a semester system from grade nine through to graduation and provides many program opportunities in addition to the Provincial Curriculum. Our School is a large, fully networked facility located beside a public library, arena, wave pool, and outdoor athletic facilities. The school is easily accessible by public transportation.

The Mission Statement of Gloucester High School is to provide each student with a learning program of the highest quality that is developed and delivered by an effective and caring staff.

The school timetable is as follows:


Day 1

Day 2

9:20 to 10:35

Period 1

Period 1

10:35 to 10:40



10:40 to 11:55

Period 2

Period 2

11:55 to 12:50



12:50 to 2:05

Period 3

Period 4

2:05 to 2:10



2:10 to 3:25

Period 4

Period 3

Our Students

Approximately seven hundred students bring a range of interests to Gloucester High School. They come from many local schools and from many other nations, helping to make our school diverse and dynamic.

Our students demonstrate academic excellence within the school, and in provincial, national and international forums. We have an excellent reputation for athletic involvement with many school teams and weekly intramural activities. In addition, there are a wide variety of clubs and activities, and our students are known for their community involvement, and support of charitable causes. Our Reach for the Top Team is a two-time national champion.

More than 80% of our students pursue post-secondary education in Canada and the United States, including those who pursue apprenticeships.

Our Staff

Our staff is professional, knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and dedicated to students. Gloucester staff members have been recognized by universities in the city and the Governor General, for their achievement, as the school strives for excellence in education. Annually, members of our staff are recognized at the Capital Educators’ Awards. Our staff appreciates the strong support of parents and community partners.

Our staff has actively participated in numerous District-wide professional development activities in literacy and numeracy, and we recognize their initiative by providing and supporting opportunities for further professional growth.

Our Community

The Gloucester High School Council provides advice and assistance to the staff and administration of the school. Recent endeavours include developing school partnerships, resolving transportation issues and strengthening educational opportunities. Council members are also involved in committees as part of the Ottawa-Carleton Assembly of School Councils (OCASC). Our School Council meets virtually once a month. A list of Council meeting dates can be found on our school website. Contact can be made electronically through the school principal at Joe.Ross@ocdsb.ca for more information. information.

Mission Statement

"Gloucester High School provides each student with a learning program of the highest quality that is developed and delivered by an effective and caring staff."

Programs and Services

Academic Programs

Gloucester offers a wide variety of courses in many different streams including locally developed, applied, academic, immersion, enriched, AP, college, mixed and university, as well as a number of open level classes. GHS offers a Specialist High Skills Major program in Transportation, Electrical & Plumbing, Health Wellness and Sport as well as Arts and Culture. We expect our students to do their best each and every day, in each and every class, shop, lab or gymnasium. More than 40% of our graduate students were Ontario Scholars last year (having an average of 80% or higher), and a third of our non-graduating students reached Honour Roll status. Our Student Services Department works with parents and students to help make the best choices for individual students. Each year our graduates earn scholarships, subject awards, bursaries and special awards recognizing their significant academic and community accomplishments. Graduating students are eligible to receive certificates of achievement in Business/Technology, French Immersion Studies, Fine Arts and International Studies.

Special Education and ESL Programs

Five levels of English as a Second Language and English Language Development are available (ESLAO through ESLEO) at Gloucester High School. Our Special Education Department offers support to a wide range of students with special learning needs including our Special Education Learning Centre, LD Program, and our Community Living Developmental Program.

Clubs and Activities

A strong athletic program offers a wide range of interscholastic sports and intramural activities for students with diverse skills and interests. Participation points can lead towards a GHS Athletic Letter. Special events are another area of enthusiastic student involvement including school plays/musicals, Leadership Camp, visual arts shows and many extra co-curricular programs. New opportunities arise each year.

Facilities and Resources

The school has the many advantages of a traditional building. These include a large auditorium, a spacious lobby, several studios for the arts, a darkroom, oversize classrooms, dedicated science labs, two gyms, a weight room, a dance studio, multiple conference rooms, lecture halls, and a cafeteria. Specialty technology resources such as eight computer labs, hard technology shops (transportation, construction, electrical and plumbing) and music labs support the delivery of curriculum. Our Business Department offers a full capability multimedia conference room.